Instead, a handful of registries issue credits according to a specific set of criteria checked by third-party verifiers. There is no single globalised carbon offset standard. Proponents say any protection of forests or wetland is positive for the climate.

There are no rules on how many offsets a corporation can use in any given year.Ĭritics of forestry-based offsets say landowners that charge for submitting part of their land for carbon offsetting can still cut down another part of their forests to sell timber or allow for agriculture in what is referred to as leakage. Proponents say offsets are a useful tool even if the priority must be cutting emissions. Theoretically, the number of offset credits can grow as long as there are new projects to feed into the market.Ĭritics of carbon offsets say they allow emitters to continue to release greenhouse gases. Buyers in the voluntary market are mainly corporate clients seeking to meet internal targets to reduce their carbon footprint.